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Pennsylvania Historic Photos, Images and Vintage Postcards
This section makes it possible to view all of the historic photos, images and vintage postcards currently available for the state of Pennsylvania.
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Old Toll House, Addison, Pennsylvania
Observatory, Allegheny City, Pennsylvania
Post Office, Allegheny City, Pennsylvania
14th Street, North from Fairview Street, Allentown, Pennsylvania
Allentown High School, Allentown, Pennsylvania
Allentown Hospital, Allentown, Pennsylvania
Cedar Crest College, Allentown, Pennsylvania
Central Catholic High School and Rockne Hall, Allentown, Pennsylvania
Midway Diner, Allentown, Pennsylvania
Muhlenberg College, Main Building, Allentown, Pennsylvania
Soldiers' Monument, Allentown, Pennsylvania
Altoona & P. R. R. (Pennsylvania Railroad) 12th Street Works, Altoona, Pennsylvania
High School, Altoona, Pennsylvania
Mishler Theatre, Altoona, Pennsylvania
Centre County County House, Bellefonte, Pennsylvania
Berwick High School, Berwick, Pennsylvania
Berwick Hospital, Berwick, Pennsylvania
First Presbyterian Church, Berwick, Pennsylvania
Bethlehem Hotel, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
Home for Aged Widows of Moravian Ministers, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
Braddock Hospital, 1918, Braddock, Pennsylvania
Main Street, Brookville, Pennsylvania
Bird's Eye View of Brownsville, Pennsylvania
High School, 1910, Butler, Pennsylvania
United Presbyterian Church, Butler, Pennsylvania
Canton High School, Canton, Pennsylvania
Carlisle Hospital, Carlisle, Pennsylvania
Monument of Mary Ludwig Hays McCauley "Molly Pitcher", Carlisle, Pennsylvania
Eagle Brewery, 1894, Catasauqua, Pennsylvania
Bank of Chambersburg, Pennsylvania, burned in the Civil War, July, 30, 1864
Chambersburg School, Chambersburg, Pennsylvania
The Churches of Chambersburg, Pennsylvania
Allegheny County Work House, Claremont, Pennsylvania
Kuebler Brewery, Easton, Pennsylvania
The Ephrata Cloister, Ephrata, Pennsylvania
Soldiers' and Sailors' Home, Erie, Pennsylvania
Venango County Court House, Franklin, Pennsylvania
Abraham Lincoln at the Gettysburg Battleground to deliver the Gettysburg Address (photo)
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, On the day of Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, 1863 (photo)
Soldiers' National Monument, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania (photos)
Major General Abner Doubleday, Monument, Battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
John L. Burns, "the old hero of Gettysburg", Battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
Jennie Wade House and Grave, Battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
Soldiers' Orphan's Homestead, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania (photo)
Theological Seminary, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
View from Tower on Hancock Avenue, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
Fire Department Co., Glen Campbell, Pennsylvania
High School, 1908, Greensburg, Pennsylvania
M. E. Church, Greensburg, Pennsylvania
Home of the Hanover Shoe, Hanover, Pennsylvania
Railroad Depot, Hanover Junction, Pennsylvania (photo)
Children's Industrial Home, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
North Second Street from Union Trust Building, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
Jimmy Stewart Boyhood Home, Indiana, Pennsylvania
Philadelphia Street, Indiana, Pennsylvania
Johnstown, Pennsylvania 1889 Flood (photo)
Flory Brothers, Motorcycles and Bicycles, Lancaster, Pennsylvania (1914 advertisement)
Looking North, 1906, Liberty, Pennsylvania
Homestead of Mordecai Lincoln, Lorane, Pennsylvania
Tressler Orphans' Home, Loysville, Pennsylvania
Hall's Pharmacy, Mifflinburg, Pennsylvania (photo)
School House, Mt. Jewett, Pennsylvania, 1907
Pocono Mountain House, Mt. Pocono, Pennsylvania 1905 (photo)
Main Street, New Brighton, Pennsylvania
Jail, Norristown, Pennsylvania
Norristown High School, Norristown, Pennsylvania
Street Views, North East, Pennsylvania
East End from Hogback, Oil City, Pennsylvania
National Transit Shops, Oil City, Pennsylvania
Oil City Hospital and Nurses Home, Oil City, Pennsylvania
Betsy Ross House, 1900, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (photo)
Christ Church, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (photo)
General Washington at Christ Church, Easter Sunday, 1795, Philadelphia, PA
Grave and Tombstone of Benjamin Franklin, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Gloria Dei Church, or Old Swedes Church, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Broad Street, North from City Hall, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1905 (photo)
Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1905 (photo)
Dock Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1908 (photo)
Market Street from Eighth, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1904 (photo)
Market Street, West from Twelfth, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1910-15 (photo)
Liberty Avenue, 1899, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (photo)
Liberty Avenue Looking East, 1940's, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Mercy Hospital, 1910, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
St. Paul's Cathedral, 1905, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (photo)
Sixth Avenue, 1906, Pitttsburgh, Pennsylvania (photo)
Western Pennsylvania Institute for the Blind, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (photo)
Union Safety Deposit Bank, Pottsville, Pennsylvania
Tombstone and grave of General "Mad" Anthony Wayne, Radnor, Pennsylvania (photo)
Band Pavilion and lake at Pendora Park, Reading, Pennsylvania
Boy's New High School, Reading, Pennsylvania
Washington Avenue, Scranton, Pennsylvania
Shamokin, Pennsylvania, 1905 (photo)
Main Street, Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania, 1905 (photo)
Summit Hotel, Uniontown, Pennsylvania
Store and Residence of H. A. Cook, Vicksburg, Pennsylvania
High School, Warren, Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania Avenue and Liberty Street, Warren, Pennsylvania
Seventh Ward School, Washington, Pennsylvania
Front Street, Washingtonville, Pennsylvania
Main Street Business Section, Wellsboro, Pennsylvania
U. P. Home for Aged, Wilkinsburg, Pennsylvania
West Third Street, East From Pine, 1912, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
Main Street, 1910, Winwood, Pennsylvania
Heidelberg Reformed Church, York, Pennsylvania
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