My Genealogy Hound

Below is a family biography included in the book,  Portrait and biographical record of Lehigh, Northampton and Carbon counties, Pennsylvania published in 1894 by Chapman Publishing Company.  These biographies are valuable for genealogy research in discovering missing ancestors or filling in the details of a family tree. Family biographies often include far more information than can be found in a census record or obituary.  Details will vary with each biography but will often include the date and place of birth, parent names including mothers' maiden name, name of wife including maiden name, her parents' names, name of children (including spouses if married), former places of residence, occupation details, military service, church and social organization affiliations, and more.  There are often ancestry details included that cannot be found in any other type of genealogical record.

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STEPHEN NEWHARD, a manufacturer of wagons and carriages in Cherryville, is generally conceded to be a first-class business man, and is held in the highest regard, both in his immediate circle of friends, and by all with whom he is associated in business. He manufactures all kinds of wagons, carriages, sleighs, cutters, etc., gives employment to three workmen in the different departments of his factory, and devotes his time to looking after his business in general. To his manufacturing interests he adds a well equipped undertaking establishment, which he has carried on since 1874.

Mr. Newhard was born in Northampton County, December 10, 1838, and is the son of Jonas and Lydia (Leibenguth) Newhard, also natives of that county, where the father followed the occupation of a farmer. Stephen attended the common school of Lehigh Township, and on attaining his nineteenth year apprenticed himself to learn the cabinet-maker’s trade in Cherryville. Subsequently, however, he began the manufacture of carriages, and has one of the largest establishments in this section. He worked as a journeyman wood-carver prior to branching out in this business, and in 1874, on the death of Daniel Berlin, his former employer, he purchased his undertaking stock, and has since carried on that enterprise in connection with his factory.

In 1880 Mr. Newhard was elected Census Enumerator of his township, and for three years was Assessor. He is a Democrat in politics, and ready to support his party by voice and vote at all elections. The lady to whom he was married in 1860 was Miss Sarah E., daughter of Joseph Kuntz, now deceased, but formerly a prominent resident of Lehigh Township. To Mr. and Mrs. Newhard there have been born four children, of whom Annie L., who is married to Harley Hone, and Hettie J., the wife of Tilghman Hower, are living. The others are deceased.

In religious affairs Mr. Newhard is a devoted member of the Reformed Church, which he has served in the capacity of Deacon and Elder. It is scarcely necessary to add that he is held in high repute by the citizens of Cherryville and the adjacent country on account of his excellent character, business ability and pleasing qualities.

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This family biography is one of numerous biographies included in the book, Portrait and biographical record of Lehigh, Northampton and Carbon counties, Pennsylvania published in 1894 by Chapman Publishing Company. 

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