My Genealogy Hound
Below is a family biography included in the book, Portrait and biographical record of Lehigh, Northampton and Carbon counties, Pennsylvania published in 1894 by Chapman Publishing Company. These biographies are valuable for genealogy research in discovering missing ancestors or filling in the details of a family tree. Family biographies often include far more information than can be found in a census record or obituary. Details will vary with each biography but will often include the date and place of birth, parent names including mothers' maiden name, name of wife including maiden name, her parents' names, name of children (including spouses if married), former places of residence, occupation details, military service, church and social organization affiliations, and more. There are often ancestry details included that cannot be found in any other type of genealogical record.
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LEVI SHUPP, Tax Collector and cigar manufacturer in West Bethlehem, was born in Monroe County January 21, 1837. His father, Fredrick Shupp, was born at the same place and was a farmer and miller, dying at the age of sixty- five. George Shupp, the grandfather, was born in Monroe County and served in the Revolutionary War. The wife of Fredrick Shupp, and mother of Levi, Elizabeth (Dreisback) Shupp, was born in Monroe County, and is a daughter of Conrad D. Dreisback, who was a miller at that place, but later removed to Pine Swamp and engaged in the lumber and teaming business. There were nine children in the family of Fredrick and Elizabeth Shupp, of whom eight attained the age of maturity, but our subject is the only one now living. He was reared in Polk Township, attended the common school there, and learned the miller’s trade. While working at this occupation he met with a serious accident, losing his left hand by the explosion of a gun.
Mr. Shupp married Miss Ellen M. Huebner, who was born in Bethlehem, and is the daughter of Dr. Abram Huebner. The Doctor was educated at Nazareth Hall, receiving the degree of M. D., and practiced for some time at Philadelphia. He was Professor of English language and physiology in the Female Seminary at Bethlehem, was the first physician in Bethlehem, and erected the first brick residence there. When over sixty years of age he passed to his last rest, living and dying a true Republican. The wife of Dr. Abram Huebner was Justine B. Frytog, a native of Weissport, Carbon County. She was the daughter of Rev. Casper Frytog, who is the pastor of the Moravian Church.
There were three children born to Mr. and Mrs. Shupp, only one of whom is living, Victor M., who is a paper-hanger and decorator. After their marriage they came to Bethlehem, and Mr. Shupp was first employed as watchman of the Lake Shore Railroad, at the Canal Bridge, on Main Street crossing for two years. He then engaged with the Lehigh Valley Railroad, and was their watchman at the Wyandotte Street crossing for one year, then was tool collector for the Broad Street Bridge Company, remaining with them for five years. He next was janitor of the First National Bank, doing a merchant tailor business at the same time.
Mr. Shupp then started his cigar store, and in 1887 was elected Tax Collector for West Bethlehem, giving a bond for $35,000. He is a member of the Moravian Church, and in political faith and action is a Democrat. His son is the father of five children, viz.: Freddie, Victor, Jr., Granville, Ella and May.
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This family biography is one of numerous biographies included in the book, Portrait and biographical record of Lehigh, Northampton and Carbon counties, Pennsylvania published in 1894 by Chapman Publishing Company.
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