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Westminster, Vermont, Tombstone of William French, Historic Photo
A historic photo view of the tombstone of William French who was killed in the Westminster Massacre at what is now Westminster, Vermont. Some call this the first battle of the Revolutionary War and thus this as the first person killed in the Revolutionary War.
The tombstone reads:
"In Memory of William French, Son to Mr. Nathaniel French; Who Was Shot at Westminster, March 13th, 1775, by the hands of Cruel Ministreal of George 3d; in the Courthouse, at a 11 a Clock at Night; in the 22d year of his Age.
Here William French his Body lies.
For Murder his Blood for Vengance cries.
King George the third his Tory Crew
that with a bawl his head Shot threw.
For Liberty and his Countrys Good,
He Lost his
Life his dearest blood."
This photo was produced by Detroit Publishing Co., and dates between 1900 and 1910.
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