My Genealogy Hound
South Carolina Vintage Postcards, Historic Photos and Images
This section makes it possible to view all of the vintage postcard, historic photos, and images currently available for the state of South Carolina.
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View historic maps of each county in South Carolina
Fermata School, Aiken, South Carolina
Main Street, Bennettsville, South Carolina
Broad Street Looking West, Charleston, South Carolina (photo)
Ruins of Circular Church, 1865, Charleston, South Carolina (photo)
Drayton Hall, near Charleston, South Carolina (photo)
Grammar School Building, Cheraw, South Carolina
St. David's Church, Cheraw, South Carolina
Main Street, Columbia, South Carolina (photo)
St. John's Episcopal Church, Florence, South Carolina
St. James Church at Goose Creek, South Carolina (photo)
Frosty Manor Restaurant and Dairy Bar, Mount Pleasant, South Carolina
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