My Genealogy Hound
Historic Homes of the Famous and Infamous, photos and vintage postcards
This section makes it possible to view all of the photos, vintage postcards and images currently available related to historic homes of the famous and infamous and those that are not widely known. The following list is organized alphabetically by the surname of the of the person or family associated with the home.
To browse the available views currently available, click on the on names in the list below that you wish to view.
Louisa May Alcott, Orchard House, Concord, Massachusetts
John Alden (Mayflower) house, Duxbury, Massachusetts
Daniel and Nathan Boone home, Defiance, Missouri
Alfred E. Brumley, Powell, Missouri
John Burns home, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
William Carson, Carson Mansion, Eureka, California
John Drayton, Drayton Hall, Charleston, South Carolina
Jacob Ford, Jr., Ford Mansion, Morristown, New Jersey
Norris Goff (Abner of “Lum and Abner”) home, Mena, Arkansas
Elias Howe home, Spencer, Massachusetts
Charles "Pa" and Caroline "Ma" Ingalls Home, De Smet, South Dakota
Washington Irving, Sunnyside, Tarrytown, New York
Thomas Jonathan “Stonewall” Jackson, boyhood home, Weston, West Virginia
Jesse and Frank James, boyhood home, Kearney, Missouri
Jesse James, adult home, St. Joseph, Missouri
Thomas Jefferson, Monticello, Charlottesville, Virginia
Abraham Lincoln home, Springfield, Illinois
Mordecai Lincoln home, Lorane, Pennsylvania
Augustine Moore house, Yorktown, Virginia
Thomas Nelson house, Yorktown, Virginia
Potter Palmer Mansion, Chicago, Illinois
(scroll down for numerous additional photos)
William Petersen house, Washington, D. C.
Jonathan Pierce, Cracker Castle, St. Louis, Missouri
Elvis Presley, birthplace home, Tupelo, Mississippi
Elvis Presley, Graceland, Memphis, Tennessee
Paul Revere home, Boston, Massachusetts
Betsy Ross home, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
The Schell Chateau, Northfield, Massachusetts
Jimmy Stewart, boyhood home, Indiana, Pennsylvania
Harry S Truman, birth home, Lamar, Missouri
Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens), birth home, Florida, Missouri
Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens), boyhood home, Hannibal, Missouri
Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens), adult home, Hartford, Connecticut
Cornelius Vanderbilt II Mansion, New York City, New York
George Washington Vanderbilt II, Biltmore House, Asheville, North Carolina
Jennie Wade house, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
George Washington, Mount Vernon, Virginia
John Wayne birthplace home, Winterset, Iowa
John Greenleaf Whittier, home, Amesbury, Massachusetts
Laura Ingalls Wilder, birthplace, Pepin, Wisconsin
Laura Ingalls Wilder, Rocky Ridge Farm home, Mansfield, Missouri
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