My Genealogy Hound

Below is a family biography included in the book,  Biographical Souvenir of the Counties of Buffalo, Kearney, Phelps, Harlan and Franklin, Nebraska published in 1890 by F. A. Battey & Company.  These biographies are valuable for genealogy research in discovering missing ancestors or filling in the details of a family tree. Family biographies often include far more information than can be found in a census record or obituary.  Details will vary with each biography but will often include the date and place of birth, parent names including mothers' maiden name, name of wife including maiden name, her parents' names, name of children (including spouses if married), former places of residence, occupation details, military service, church and social organization affiliations, and more.  There are often ancestry details included that cannot be found in any other type of genealogical record.

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W. H. LEASURE, the subject of this biographical notice, is a native of Ohio, and was born 1847. His father, Jesse Leasure, was a native of Virginia, and was born in 1810. When a young man, he moved to Jefferson county, Ohio, and died there in 1888. He was a consistent christian, and was deacon in the Baptist church for a number of years.

His mother bore the maiden name of Sarah Rine, and was born in Maryland in 1804. When three years of age she moved with her parents to Ohio, where she died in 1886, the mother of eight children.

W. H. Leasure, the subject of this sketch, lived in his native state until thirty years of age. Coming in 1877 to Nebraska, he settled near Walker’s Ranch, and located a homestead on section 27, township 5, range 16 west. After a residence there of six years, he moved to Keene and engaged in mercantile pursuits for a period of three years. In 1886 he came to Wilcox, where he again embarked in mercantile pursuits, at which he has since continued.

Mr. Leasure started out to make his way in the world in 1876. When he reached Nebraska, he had only five cents left, but by perseverance and industry he now has a stock which will invoice $6,000, and also owns a quarter section of good land.

Mr. Leasure married in July, 1876, taking for a life companion Miss Orpha Jordan, a native of Ohio. This union has been blessed with one child — George, born November 3, 1880.

When Mr. Leasure came to Wilcox there were only two families in the town. He was the first merchant in the place, and without interruption has continued to the present time, his trade increasing steadily with the growth of the place of his adoption. Although constantly employed in the details necessary to the success of a large and flourishing business he has also held a number of local offices, having been justice of the peace and town treasurer for a number of years. As one of the thoroughgoing business men, enterprising and public-spirited citizen of Wilcox, Mr. Leasure takes high rank, and in an eminent degree holds the respect and confidence of its citizens.

In politics, he is a hearty supporter of the republican party. Mr. and Mrs. Leasure both hold membership in the Methodist Episcopal church, and take an active interest in all church work.

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This family biography is one of the numerous biographies included in the book, Biographical Souvenir of the Counties of Buffalo, Kearney, Phelps, Harlan and Franklin, Nebraska published in 1890 by F. A. Battey & Company. 

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