My Genealogy Hound

Below is a family biography included in the book,  Biographical Souvenir of the Counties of Buffalo, Kearney, Phelps, Harlan and Franklin, Nebraska published in 1890 by F. A. Battey & Company.  These biographies are valuable for genealogy research in discovering missing ancestors or filling in the details of a family tree. Family biographies often include far more information than can be found in a census record or obituary.  Details will vary with each biography but will often include the date and place of birth, parent names including mothers' maiden name, name of wife including maiden name, her parents' names, name of children (including spouses if married), former places of residence, occupation details, military service, church and social organization affiliations, and more.  There are often ancestry details included that cannot be found in any other type of genealogical record.

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JOHN E. LUND (deceased) was a native of Norway, born January 22, 1832, and came to this country in early life, locating at Minneapolis, Minn., where he resided for a number of years, and in 1868 located at Omaha, Nebr., and for four years was engaged as a mechanic in the car-shops at that place. He was married in April, 1869, to Annie M. Erickson, who is a native of Canada and was born October 6, 1852. Mr. and Mrs. Lund lived at Omaha until 1874, when, on account of close confinement in the shops, his health failed him and they decided to come farther west and take up government land and farm, in hopes of improving his health. They accordingly located in Buffalo county, Nebr., and filed a claim under the homestead law on a quarter-section in Center township, four miles east of Kearney. The country was comparatively new and very sparsely settled. Wild game was plentiful and along the Platte river there were a good many Indians, who frequently called at their house to beg. For the first two years, having no team and being too poor to purchase one, he raised but little produce, and that little was destroyed by grasshoppers. Mr. Lund therefore worked at his trade in town and earned money to keep family, but after the first two years crops were good and he had abundant success. Mr. Lund died May 19, 1885, and since that date Mrs. Lund has conducted the farm and has been very successful in her management of its affairs.

The union of Mr. and Mrs. Lund resulted in the birth of four children, as follows — Alvin, born February 25, 1870; Earnest, born August 25, 1876; Emma, born July 1, 1879; and Albert, born September 6, 1881. Mrs. Lund is a member of the Evangelical church, and the manner in which she is rearing her family is such as to elicit favorable comment among her neighbors.

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This family biography is one of the numerous biographies included in the book, Biographical Souvenir of the Counties of Buffalo, Kearney, Phelps, Harlan and Franklin, Nebraska published in 1890 by F. A. Battey & Company. 

View additional Buffalo County, Nebraska family biographies here: Buffalo County, Nebraska Biographies

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