Welcome to My Genealogy Hound
My Genealogy Hound is your completely free site to view thousands of family biographies from early and rare history and genealogy references. These biographies can often be valuable for discovering details about ancestors in your family tree research. In addition, thousands of historic county maps and vintage photographs are also available free to view.
A continually growing genealogy resource
Additional family biographies plus historic maps and photos are being added continually so be sure to bookmark this page. We also offer a free newsletter which will update you weekly of the latest additions. Subscribe to the free weekly newsletter here.
Browse biographies by state and county or by family surname
The links at the upper right will make your family history search fast and easy. Additional states and counties and family surnames are continually added.
Discover long forgotten and obscure settlements
A growing free collection of rare and vintage county map images are an important resource for locating long forgotten and obscure settlements where ancestors once lived. More than 2,200 historic county maps are currently available and more are added every week. Visit the map collection here: Historic County Maps
Historic Photos, Images and Vintage Postcards
This feature makes it possible to view what life was like a hundred or more years ago. Street scenes, court houses, churches, schools, hospitals, factories and all other sorts of views of life from times of long ago. This collection is continually growing with new additions nearly everyday. View the historic photos and vintage postcard collection here: Historic Photos, Images and Vintage Postcards
There is so much more to come!
We have hundreds of thousands of family biographies, historic maps and vintage photos available and many more are being added to this website each week so be sure to check back often!
My Genealogy Hound is a free resource provided by Hearthstone Legacy Publications
Hearthstone Legacy Publications publishes a wide variety of early and rare county history books on CD, DVD or as digital downloads. An important genealogy research resource! Maps (including some property owner plat maps) are also available for many areas. Visit the Hearthstone Legacy Publications website here.
Visit the My Genealogy Hound FaceBook page for additional exclusive features: My Genealogy Hound
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Comments, Suggestions, or Questions?
Contact us at: admin@hearthstonelegacy.com