My Genealogy Hound
Below is a family biography included in the Biographical Annals of Montgomery County, Pennsylvania published in 1904 by T. S. Benham & Company and The Lewis Publishing Company; Elwood Roberts, Editor. These biographies are valuable for genealogy research in discovering missing ancestors or filling in the details of a family tree. Family biographies often include far more information than can be found in a census record or obituary. Details will vary with each biography but will often include the date and place of birth, parent names including mothers' maiden name, name of wife including maiden name, her parents' names, name of children (including spouses if married), former places of residence, occupation details, military service, church and social organization affiliations, and more. There are often ancestry details included that cannot be found in any other type of genealogical record.
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HORACE G. BRINTON, a highly respected resident of Whitpain township, Montgomery county, is descended from an old Pennsylvania family. His paternal grandfather, Moses Brinton, was one of the early settlers in Lancaster county. Moses Brinton was a child when his parents came to Lancaster county, and he was there educated in the ordinary schools of that day. He followed farming throughout his life, and died in Salisbury township, Lancaster county. He was twice married. His second wife was a Miss Chamberlain, who was a native of Lancaster county, and of this marriage was born a son Samuel.
Samuel Brinton was born in Salisbury township, Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, in 1809, and died in 1890, in Whitpain township, Montgomery county. He was educated in the common schools, and was a farmer by occupation. He was an industrious, quiet man, and of a benevolent disposition, ever ready to extend sympathy and material aid to any one in need, and was held in affection by the entire community. He was a consistent member of the Society of Friends, and in politics he affiliated with the Republican party. He was an earnest exponent of the principles of his party, but his retiring disposition would not admit of his seeking public honors. He married Elizabeth B. Lewis, a member of an old Chester county family, and the following named children were born of this marriage: Joseph, died in 1891; Mifflin, also deceased; and Horace G. Brinton.
Horace G. Brinton, son of the parents above named, was born in Coleraine township, Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, January 27, 1848. He moved with his parents when young to Upper Oxford township, Chester county, Pennsylvania, and was there educated in the common schools, and also in the academy which has developed into the present splendid West Chester Normal School, and which was even then one of the best academical schools in all this region. About the time he had completed his studies his father purchased a farm in Whitpain township, Montgomery county, upon which has been his home ever since. This place, in the vicinity of Center Square, comprises about forty acres of highly cultivated and very productive land, which he tills to the best advantage, also maintaining an excellent dairy. Mr. Brinton is a birthright member of the Society of Friends, and holds to the faith of his fathers with steadfastness. In politics he has ever been a staunch Republican. He has never been an aspirant for public office.
Mr. Brinton has been twice married. His first wife was Priscilla Heebner, a daughter of Levi Heebner, of near Lansdale, Montgomery county. The marriage occurred in 1874, and in 1894 Mrs. Brinton died, having borne to her husband six children: Mabel, who is single; Walter, who married Maude Collins; Hettie, single; Olive, who died young; and Agnes and L. Jervis, both of whom are unmarried.
Mr. Brinton subsequently married Mrs. Mollie (Glesson) Raysor, of Bridgeport, Montgomery county. This marriage was without issue.
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This family biography is one of more than 1,000 biographies included in the Biographical Annals of Montgomery County, Pennsylvania published in 1904 by T. S. Benham & Company and The Lewis Publishing Company. For the complete description, click here: Biographical Annals of Montgomery County, Pennsylvania
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