My Genealogy Hound
Below is a family biography included in the Biographical Annals of Montgomery County, Pennsylvania published in 1904 by T. S. Benham & Company and The Lewis Publishing Company; Elwood Roberts, Editor. These biographies are valuable for genealogy research in discovering missing ancestors or filling in the details of a family tree. Family biographies often include far more information than can be found in a census record or obituary. Details will vary with each biography but will often include the date and place of birth, parent names including mothers' maiden name, name of wife including maiden name, her parents' names, name of children (including spouses if married), former places of residence, occupation details, military service, church and social organization affiliations, and more. There are often ancestry details included that cannot be found in any other type of genealogical record.
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ANDREW H. BAKER, son of Benjamin and Mary A. Baker, was born March 21, 1836, at Eagleville, Lower Providence township, Montgomery county. His father lived most of his later years on the Germantown Pike, near its intersection with the present Stony Creek Railroad, where he died in 1885 at the age of seventy-seven years. His wife survived him some years. The children of Benjamin and Mary A. Baker were: Arnold, married Lucy Von Nieda, and lives in Norristown; Andrew H. Baker; Martha H., married William S. Finney, and removed to Kansas, where they have children; Elizabeth, married Samuel Rittenhouse, of Norriton, who also has several children; Cornelia G., wife of John C., son of Andrew Morgan, of Worcester, who died two weeks after her father; Hannah M., married Mark R., son of Alexander Supplee, first lieutenant of Captain Pechin’s company during the war of the rebellion.
Andrew H. Baker, was educated in the district schools and at Treemount and Freeland seminaries, and in his eighteenth year took charge of the public school at Washington Square, where he taught for some time. He afterwards taught the school at Centre Square until 1861, for a period of six years, when he removed to Norristown, and was appointed clerk to the county commissioners. He held the clerkship for twelve years, evincing not only ability in clerical duties, but also public spirit, and in the absence of the county treasurer he frequently filled the latter’s place as assistant deputy treasurer. He was also clerk of the military relief board during the war, and clerk of the board of jury commissioners during the first five years of the establishment of said board. He studied surveying for a time with Elijah W. Beans, and practiced some. Mr. Baker was a member of the Norristown school board for about ten years and was secretary thereof until he left Norristown.
On the organization of the First National Bank of Conshohocken, in 1873, Mr. Baker was elected teller, which place he filled two years, until the founding of Jenkintown National Bank, 1875, when he was chosen cashier, which position he has now filled twenty-seven years. He was president of the Jenkintown school board for three terms. He has also been treasurer of the Jenkintown Building Association since its organization, member of the board of trustees for the state in behalf of Montgomery county of the State Normal School at West Chester; a member of the board of directors of the Cheltenham and Willow Grove turnpike company, and of the Abington Library for several years; is one of the managers of the Jenkintown Reading Room, and was for many years a choir leader and superintendent at St. John’s church and Burr’s Meeting house, and president of the board of health since its organization in 1893.
In December, 1857, Mr. Baker married Matilda L., daughter of William Barton, of Norriton. They had one son, Frank H. Baker, born September 10, 1858, who studied law in the office of B. E. Chain, and was admitted to the bar. He has filled many clerical and other positions, including executorships and other offices of trust and responsibility. He was for some time United States mail agent between New York City and Pittsburg. Mrs. Matilda Baker died in 1860 of typhoid fever. October 6, 1864 Andrew H. Baker married Emily J. McGonigle, principal of one of the Philadelphia public schools. They had two children, Walter C. and May A., both of whom died in childhood. An adopted daughter, Alice G., died several years ago at the age of twenty-three years. Emily J. (McGoniglc) Baker died January 13, 1904.
Frank H. Baker is now employed at Broad Street station of the Pennsylvania Railroad. He has been twice married, his first wife being Miss Sarah T. Yost, of Norrisonville, who died about 1895, leaving one child, Andrew A. Baker. He married (second wife) Mrs. Anna L. Leipheimer, widow of Richard Leipheimer, who died October 27, 1901. They are living on Noble street, Norristown.
Arnold Baker (grandfather) kept the Barley Sheaf hotel on Germantown Pike, where is now Hartranft Station. In a barn which once stood on this property, the first court in Montgomery county was held in 1784. It has not been occupied for thirty years or more as a hotel.
In early life while teaching at Centre Square, Andrew H. Baker became a member of St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran church, near Belfry. On removing to Norristown he transferred his membership to the Lutheran Church of the Trinity on DeKalb street. After removing to Jenkintown he became a member of Abington Presbyterian church, the oldest organization of that denomination in that section of Pennsylvania. When Grace Memorial Presbyterian church at Jenkintown was founded, he became a member there, and has long been an elder and trustee. Mr. Baker is a man who stands very high in the community in which he lives, his long and honorable career inspiring the highest confidence in all with whom he comes in contact. In every relation of life he is an example to those around him, his sound judgment and keen sense of justice causing his opinions to have much weight with those who know him.
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This family biography is one of more than 1,000 biographies included in the Biographical Annals of Montgomery County, Pennsylvania published in 1904 by T. S. Benham & Company and The Lewis Publishing Company. For the complete description, click here: Biographical Annals of Montgomery County, Pennsylvania
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