My Genealogy Hound
Below is a family biography included in Portrait and Biographical Album of Greene and Clark Counties, Ohio published by Chapman Bros., in 1890. These biographies are valuable for genealogy research in discovering missing ancestors or filling in the details of a family tree. Family biographies often include far more information than can be found in a census record or obituary. Details will vary with each biography but will often include the date and place of birth, parent names including mothers' maiden name, name of wife including maiden name, her parents' names, name of children (including spouses if married), former places of residence, occupation details, military service, church and social organization affiliations, and more. There are often ancestry details included that cannot be found in any other type of genealogical record.
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WILLIAM H. BREWER. One of the finest farms in Miami Township, is that occupied by the above named gentleman, which comprises three hundred and eighteen acres of fine land, all improved in first-class style. It is now farmed by Mr. Brewer and his two sons, but in previous years, while under his own sole management, secured to him good financial standing, and all the comforts of life.
Near Trenton, N. J., on the 19th of August, 1794, John G. Brewer was born. Although he lacked some years of man’s estate when the War of 1812 began, he entered the army, serving with as much energy as those who were men in years. In 1814 he came to the Buckeye State, where he carried on his occupation, first as a carpenter, and later as a farmer. In Greene County, he met and married Sarah Ann Miller, who was born on the Blue Ridge in Virginia, in 1798. They settled on what is now the old Isaac Baker farm southwest of Yellow Springs, rearing a family of nine children, eight of whom are now living. Both were members of religious bodies, the husband being a very prominent man in the Presbyterian Church, in which he bore the office of Trustee, and the wife a member of that branch known as Seceders. Mrs. Brewer died November 20, 1883, having then reached the age of eighty-four years, and her husband surviving until January, 1886, became ninety-two years old. Their family comprised George; our subject; Becca, now deceased; Paulina, wife of Charley Winters; John, Charles; Sarah, wife of David Dickson; Louisa, wife of John D. Heller; and David Russell.
The subject of this sketch was born in this county, August 26, 1826, and received a common-school education, having no school privileges after he was sixteen years old. He worked hard on the farm during his early years, then spent two years as a carpenter, worked in a tanyard a short time, and in a stillhouse for six months. He followed a threshing machine for twelve years, for the past thirty-two years he has lived on his present farm.
On June 12, 1856, the rites of wedlock were celebrated between our subject and Sarah Ann Bell. This estimable lady is the only surviving child of Adam and Rebecca Bell, natives of Kentucky, who came to Ohio in 1849, and who held large land interests here. She was born in 1824, received a good education, and was well reared by her parents, acquiring much useful knowledge of domestic arts. Her father died January 3, 1874, and her mother July 10, 1881, the other two children having also been called from time to eternity. She has borne her husband four children, two sons and two daughters: Adam married Miss Ella Wilson, and is the father of two children; John B. married Miss Nettie McHatton, who died leaving two children; Florence became the wife of William Gregg, of Xenia, and died leaving a daughter, Ada; Rebecca is deceased. The two sons live on the home farm in the conduct of which they are assisting their father.
While financial success has attended the efforts of Mr. Brewer, he has been in some respects unfortunate. When twenty-four years of age a horse ran away with him, and he received serious injuries; in 1885, he was caught in the main driving belt of a threshing machine, and had his right hand badly cut and crushed. He has always taken an interest in politics, and votes the Republican ticket. He has been Supervisor of this district, and though he served creditabty, is not one of those whose forte is public life. His personal interests, neighborly associations and domestic life are sufficient to occupy his thoughts and fill up the measure of his enjoyment, and keep him sufficiently occupied.
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This family biography is one of the many biographies included in Portrait and Biographical Album of Greene and Clark Counties, Ohio published by Chapman Bros., in 1890.
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