My Genealogy Hound
Below is a family biography included in Portrait and Biographical Album of Greene and Clark Counties, Ohio published by Chapman Bros., in 1890. These biographies are valuable for genealogy research in discovering missing ancestors or filling in the details of a family tree. Family biographies often include far more information than can be found in a census record or obituary. Details will vary with each biography but will often include the date and place of birth, parent names including mothers' maiden name, name of wife including maiden name, her parents' names, name of children (including spouses if married), former places of residence, occupation details, military service, church and social organization affiliations, and more. There are often ancestry details included that cannot be found in any other type of genealogical record.
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WILLIAM G. CONFER. Among the comparatively few men who are remaining to tell the story of pioneer life in Ohio, Mr. Confer remains as a conspicuous figure. He looked upon this section of country when it was in its wildest form and has been a witness of the remarkable transformation which has converted the wilderness into the abode of a civilized and prosperous people, and he may justly feel that he has borne no unimportant part in the great change which has been effected. He commenced at the foot of the ladder in the acquirement of a competency, and after years of hard labor found himself on the highway to prosperity. He is now practically independent, financially, as the result of persevering industry and good management. He stands as one of the old landmarks, who has weathered the storms of many a gale, and whose name will be remembered long after he has been gathered to his fathers.
A native of Hagerstown, Washington County, Md., Mr. Confer was born December 29, 1823, and came with his father to Ohio in 1834, when a lad of ten years. His early education was acquired in a log cabin schoolhouse, with puncheon floor, greased paper for window panes, and slab seats. He was at an early age taught to make himself useful and remained the assistant of his father on the farm until the latter’s death. He still remained there afterward until his marriage. This most important event in his early manhood was celebrated December 29, 1857, the maiden of his choice being Miss Mary Jane, daughter of P. F. and Elizabeth (Wolf) Cost.
The young people commenced their wedded life together on their own farm in a manner corresponding to their means and labored together with the mutual purpose of getting on in the world and acquiring a competence. Their first dwelling was a log cabin which they occupied until 1866, and then Mr. Confer was enabled to put up a more modern residence, expending thereon about $5,000. Subsequently, in 1876, he erected a large bank barn, 72 x 44 feet in dimensions, at a cost of about $2,000. He has also another bank barn, 30 x 50 feet in dimensions, which cost him $800. Numerous other structures on the premises indicate in a marked manner the enterprise of the proprietor. These include a stone milk-house, a cider press, a corn-shed, also a straw-shed and all the other structures necessary for the shelter of stock and the storage of grain.
In addition to the improvements on his farm Mr. Confer has invested considerable capital elsewhere, putting up a livery barn at Yellow Springs, costing $1,500, also the post-office building there, 32 x 22 feet in dimensions, costing $465, and a small stable, costing $200. In 1864 he put up a house on the west part of his farm at a cost of $300.
Mr. Confer is the offspring of an excellent family, being the son of George and Elizabeth (Bowman) Confer, the former a native of France and the latter of Hagerstown, Md. George Confer emigrated to America with his father who settled in Maryland, coming in 1802 to Greene County, this State, and settling on the land now owned and occupied by his son, William G. This land, two hundred acres in extent, he secured from the Government at $1.25 per acre. His farm labors were at one time interrupted by his enlistment as a soldier in the War of 1812. With the exception of this he followed agriculture all his life. The parents were married in Hagerstown, Md., and after living in Ohio for a time they went back to Maryland and resided in that State until 1834. That year they returned to Ohio where they spent the remainder of their days, the father dying in 1857, and the mother in 1870. They were the parents of five children, four of whom are living, namely, George, Jr., Hannah, Elizabeth, the wife of Dick Partington who was a lawyer of Xenia, now deceased, leaving one child, a son, Edward; and William G., our subject. The parents were people highly respected in their community, living honestly and uprightly and leaving to their children the heritage of a good name.
The parents of Mrs. Confer removed from Maryland to Ohio at an early day, where the father operated a distillery and amassed a large fortune. He is still living, being now eighty years of age and making his home in Osborn, this county. The mother departed this life at the old home in 1878. Of the six children born to them five are now living. Mr. and Mrs. Confer are the parents of four children, the eldest of whom, a son, George B., who became an expert telegraph operator, died in October, 1887, at the age of twenty-eight years; Eliza Jane is the wife of Jacob S. Cosier; they live at the home farm and have two children; John P. and Frank are also at home. Mr. and Mrs. Confer are members in good standing of the Reformed Presbyterian Church, in which Mr. Confer has served as an Elder and Deacon since 1856. He became identified with this church at the early age of fourteen years. He takes an active interest in politics, affiliating with the Republican party, and for two years has been a member of the School Board of his district. He has also served as Supervisor several terms.
The landed possessions of Mr. Confer embrace three hundred and thirty-one acres of choice land, all under a good state of cultivation and with first-class improvements, including two residences. His property in Yellow Springs is valued at $5,000. He remembers many incidents of the early times. From 1809 to 1812 his father hauled flour to Cincinnati, six barrels making a load. A barrel of salt cost what he would get for the six barrels of flour. He saw the first ferry-boat plying from New Orleans to Cincinnati, when the trip occupied seventy-five days and it took seventy-five men to pull the boat up the river.
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This family biography is one of the many biographies included in Portrait and Biographical Album of Greene and Clark Counties, Ohio published by Chapman Bros., in 1890.
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