My Genealogy Hound
Below is a family biography included in Portrait and Biographical Album of Greene and Clark Counties, Ohio published by Chapman Bros., in 1890. These biographies are valuable for genealogy research in discovering missing ancestors or filling in the details of a family tree. Family biographies often include far more information than can be found in a census record or obituary. Details will vary with each biography but will often include the date and place of birth, parent names including mothers' maiden name, name of wife including maiden name, her parents' names, name of children (including spouses if married), former places of residence, occupation details, military service, church and social organization affiliations, and more. There are often ancestry details included that cannot be found in any other type of genealogical record.
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SAMUEL N. ADAMS. Of all the gallant soldiers who bravely marched to meet a foe no less determined than themselves, of the patriotic citizens devoting the strength of manhood to their native land, none were more gallant than he whose portrait* appears on the opposite page and whose biography is herein narrated. As County Recorder of Greene County he has secured the confidence of the people, and is constantly receiving evidences of the public approbation. He is always at the post of duty, and with his comprehensive insight into business matters and promptness in executing the details of office work, he is recognized as a prominent factor in the upbuilding of the city.
Being first elected to fill a vacancy in the office of the County Recorder in September, 1881, so ably did he discharge its varied duties that he was duly elected thereto in the fall of 1882. He was re-elected in 1885 and again in 1888, qualifying each time the following January. His present term will expire on New Year’s Day, 1892. That he is fulfilling the office to the satisfaction of his constituents, his continuance year after year amply proves. He does not confine his interest in public duties to the routine of official cares, but in every measure having reference to the development of Xenia and Greene County, he is enthusiastic.
Before more fully outlining the history of Recorder Adams, a few words in regard to his ancestors will not be amiss. His father, Samuel Adams, was born in Leesburg, Loudoun County, Va., and when a young man went to Maryland. There he married Miss Nancy Burnston, of Baltimore and made his home for a time in that State. He was a finisher in a woolen factory and removed in order to follow the same business. In 1842 he went to Fredericktown, Knox County, thence to Delaware County, and in 1847 became a resident of Ohio, locating in Spring Valley, this county, where he spent nearly all the remaining years of his life. He breathed his last October 14, 1871, his widow surviving until 1882. They reared a family of eight children, of whom N. G., A. J., Eliza, Mrs. E. Bunting, and our subject are in this county. The others are: Amelia, wife of William Kirkpatrick; Virginia B., widow of J. D. Hepford, of Council Bluffs, Iowa; Mrs. Catherine Kauffman, of Canton, this State, and W. H., whose home is in Arkansas.
Samuel N. Adams, the subject of this biographical notice, was born in Bedford County, Pa., December 15, 1835, and in his boyhood and youth received such educational privileges as were afforded by the section in which he lived. At the age of twenty-two years, he left the parental roof to begin life for himself, working at the trade of a carpenter, and continuing so employed until after the breaking out of the Civil War, when he enrolled among the defenders of the Union. He became a member of Company D, One hundred and Tenth Ohio Infantry, under command of Col. J. W. Keiffer, his term of service beginning August 16, 1862.
As an integral part of the Army of the Potomac, Mr. Adams participated in numerous engagements, the list including Union Mills (Va.), Winchester Heights, Stevenson’s Depot, Wapping Heights, Brandy Station, Mine Run, the Wilderness, Spottsylvania, York River, Cold Harbor, Petersburg, Ream’s Station (Va.), Monocacy (Md.), Snicker’s Gap, Charleston and Smithfield (Va.), Opequan, Fisher’s Hill, Cedar Creek, Cedar Springs, Petersburg (Va.), March 25, 1865, and the assault on the same city April 2. At this contest he was wounded so severely that his right foot had to be amputated in Washington ten days later, the left foot also being badly injured. He spent five months in the hospital and was then mustered out in September, 1865, returning to his home in Spring Valley, this county. Mr. Adams received the appointment of United States store-keeper at Beaver Station, now Trebein’s, and served the Government in that capacity there a year, at the expiration of that period being transferred to Mt. Holly in the same capacity. He remained in the employ of the Government until 1871, and then went into the grocery business at Spring Valley, continuing the business until about 1880. In the meantime he held the commission of Postmaster under Gen. Grant for the term ending in 1876, and also acted as Government store-keeper at Osborn two years. His next move was to the position which he now occupies and in which he has worked faithfully and conscientiously.
In Spring Valley, March 11, 1867, Mr. Adams led to the hymeneal altar Miss Amanda Riddell, of that place. She is a daughter of Silas Riddell, an old settler of the town in which she was born July 6, 1842. Mr. Riddell is now deceased but his widow survives, making her home with her daughter, Mrs. Adams. Of the three children born to Mr. and Mrs. Adams, two are yet living, namely, Bella E. and Gertrude. They will receive all the advantages in the way of schooling that the means and desire of their parents can compass, and such careful home instruction as will ensure their usefulness in the years to come.
While residing in Spring Valley, Mr. Adams served the township in the capacity of Treasurer. Certainly the people have manifested their appreciation of his ability and character, and it is with pleasure we record the fact. He belongs to the lodge and encampment of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and to the Grand Army of the Republic. His wife is a woman of fine character and cultured mind and is esteemed by the entire community.
*Portrait was included in the original printed volume.
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This family biography is one of the many biographies included in Portrait and Biographical Album of Greene and Clark Counties, Ohio published by Chapman Bros., in 1890.
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