My Genealogy Hound
Below is a family biography included in Portrait and Biographical Album of Greene and Clark Counties, Ohio published by Chapman Bros., in 1890. These biographies are valuable for genealogy research in discovering missing ancestors or filling in the details of a family tree. Family biographies often include far more information than can be found in a census record or obituary. Details will vary with each biography but will often include the date and place of birth, parent names including mothers' maiden name, name of wife including maiden name, her parents' names, name of children (including spouses if married), former places of residence, occupation details, military service, church and social organization affiliations, and more. There are often ancestry details included that cannot be found in any other type of genealogical record.
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OWEN BROCK is pre-eminently a self-made man, having accumulated a very comfortable fortune entirely by his own efforts, the only financial assistance he had from his father having been one horse. He owns and occupies a fine farm of ninety-three acres in Cedarville Township, to which he removed in 1887, and which is now one of the best improved estates in the county, having upon it a fine and commodious brick residence and excellent barns to which he has added since he became the possessor. He also owns a tract of valuable land, of one hundred and twenty-three acres, near Xenia. He was born in Ross Township, December 7, 1846, being the eldest child of his parents, and was reared on his father’s farm, receiving a good common-school education. He was married when thirty-three years of age, and having been working for himself for a number of years, during which time he had made considerable money, he was able to begin his wedded life as the owner of two hundred and seventy-eight acres of land which he purchased from his father.
The marriage of Mr. Brock was celebrated in 1879, his bride being Miss Margaret A., daughter of John and Sarah Gano, of Cedarville Township and formerly of Virginia. The newly wedded couple at once began housekeeping on the tract of land which the husband had purchased and which he brought from a state of nature into a fine condition of productiveness and improvement, placing it all under the plow. He finally traded the estate for the land he now owns near Xenia, and in March, 1887, bought his present home place, to which he removed the following fall. In his efforts to secure a competence and to improve his home, he has been ably seconded by his estimable wife, whose thrifty management of household affairs has added much to the comfort of his home. Four interesting children cluster about the fireside, named respectively, Wilbur, Homer, Clarence G., and Edith, the baby. The oldest is manifesting his active intelligence in school work, while the younger boys are gleaning much information from their parents and home surroundings and will ere long be following their brother’s footsteps in the school room.
Mr. Brock was reared as a Democrat and voted that ticket until 1881, when he threw his influence into the Prohibition party, for which he now works and votes. He has been nominated on that ticket for Sheriff of the county, thus offering himself as a sacrifice for the good of the party. The energy which he has manifested in his personal career and his sturdy qualities of character have been considered in his choice as a candidate, and are duly recognized by all those with whom he associates or with whom he comes in contact.
Francis Brock, the grandfather of our subject, came from North Carolina to Ohio in 1808, settling on the line between Greene and Madison Counties, later removing to Ross Township, Greene County, where he became the owner of a large landed estate, having at one time as high as fifteen hundred acres, more than nine hundred and fifty-five being in Ross Township, this county. There his son, William Brock, was born, January 8, 1817, on the line of Madison and Greene Counties, and after his marriage to Miss Sydney Hidy, of Fayette County, settled on the place where he now lives, about three miles from that of his son, our subject. The land was received by him from his father, and was opened up and developed under his supervision and personal efforts. Their family, in which no death has ever occurred, includes three children besides our subject. M. Louisa, the second child and eldest daughter, became the wife of L. S. Carper, of Grape Grove, and the mother of four children; the family is now living with her father. Joseph H., the second son and third child, is a farmer at Jeffersonville, Fayette County, is married and has six children; Francis W. is now in California. The Brock family belonged to the Methodist Church in former generations, but William Brock is not a member of any religious organization, His wife belongs the Universalist Church, of which our subject is also a member.
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This family biography is one of the many biographies included in Portrait and Biographical Album of Greene and Clark Counties, Ohio published by Chapman Bros., in 1890.
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