My Genealogy Hound
Below is a family biography included in Portrait and Biographical Album of Greene and Clark Counties, Ohio published by Chapman Bros., in 1890. These biographies are valuable for genealogy research in discovering missing ancestors or filling in the details of a family tree. Family biographies often include far more information than can be found in a census record or obituary. Details will vary with each biography but will often include the date and place of birth, parent names including mothers' maiden name, name of wife including maiden name, her parents' names, name of children (including spouses if married), former places of residence, occupation details, military service, church and social organization affiliations, and more. There are often ancestry details included that cannot be found in any other type of genealogical record.
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DAN. BAKER is the owner and occupant of an excellent piece of property in Miami Township, Greene County, which has been his life-long home. It comprises one hundred and thirteen acres of well-improved land, a portion of it being timber, and various crops being raised upon that which is under the plow. The residence is a substantial brick house, which was built by the father of our subject, and occupies the site of the old log house in which our subject was born. The personal character of Mr. Baker is above reproach, good principles marking his intercourse with his fellow-men, and the utmost kindliness being shown by him to his wife and children. Never having been a rover, his principal knowledge of the world has been obtained by reading, but he keeps up an intelligent interest in the world’s affairs by this means.
Among the early settlers in this county was Thomas Baker, who came hither from Pennsylvania about 1812, and settled a mile northwest of Clifton, where he died September 22, 1821, at the age of fifty-nine years. He was accompanied to this State by his son Nayl, who had opened his eyes to the light in the Keystone State May 25, 1795. The latter after reaching manhood took for his wife Miss Huldah Mills, who was born June 8, 1803, their marriage taking place in 1825. They at once settled on what is now known as the Campbell farm, but after living upon it some years sold and purchased that now owned by our subject which they made their permanent home. There the husband breathed his last, April 17, 1865, his widow surviving until April 28, 1877. They were the parents of nine children, as follows: Sarah, now Mrs. Wilson; Jacob and Thomas, deceased, William; Mary and Mrs. Rachael Smith, deceased; Dan; Mrs. Lettitia Kiler, and an infant.
The natal day of Dan Baker was April 20, 1839. He received but a common school education and was obliged to work hard, assisting his father until the death of the latter, and afterward continuing his labors upon the home place. He had left the parental home during the Civil War, taking the field as a member of Company F, One Hundred and Fifty-fourth Ohio Infantry, which was detailed for guard duty at Piedmont, W. Va. After serving until his time expired he was discharged at Camp Dennison and returned to the farm, where he has since remained. After his marriage he and his wife settled down upon the homestead and took care of his mother until she passed away.
The wife of Mr. Baker was in her girlhood Susan E. Waymire. She is one of nine children born to Daniel and Marianna Waymire, four of whom are now living. Her parents were natives of South Carolina whence they moved to Dayton, Ohio, where she was born July 12, 1845. Her father was a contractor, one of his jobs being the old courthouse at Dayton and his last contract the Lagonda House at Springfield. The marriage ceremony of Mr. and Mrs. Baker took place February 22, 1872, and has been blessed by the birth of seven children. Joseph, the first-born, died in infancy; Mary Eliza is now sixteen years of age; Huldah is deceased; Anna S. is thirteen years old; John William is deceased; Bessie Y. has reached the age of eight years; Evan D. is six years old. Mrs. Baker being a woman of intelligence, good education and fine character, ably fulfills the duties of wife and mother, and is, with her husband’s co-operation, instilling into the minds of their children firm principles and a desire for usefnlness.
Mr. Baker is now filling the office of Supervisor of his district and he has been a member of the School Board for about sixteen years. He has always taken a lively interest in political affairs, voting the Republican ticket. In former years he belonged to the Grange and he is an advocate of temperance. He is a Trustee of the Presbyterian Church to which both he and his wife belong. On his father’s side Mr. Baker is of Irish extraction and in the maternal line is of Welsh stock. His grandparents Thomas Baker and Sarah Woodward were married in 1785, at the Friends’ meeting.
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This family biography is one of the many biographies included in Portrait and Biographical Album of Greene and Clark Counties, Ohio published by Chapman Bros., in 1890.
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