My Genealogy Hound
Below is a family biography included in The History of Phelps County, Missouri published by Goodspeed Publishing Company in 1889. These biographies are valuable for genealogy research in discovering missing ancestors or filling in the details of a family tree. Family biographies often include far more information than can be found in a census record or obituary. Details will vary with each biography but will often include the date and place of birth, parent names including mothers' maiden name, name of wife including maiden name, her parents' names, name of children (including spouses if married), former places of residence, occupation details, military service, church and social organization affiliations, and more. There are often ancestry details included that cannot be found in any other type of genealogical record.
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William A. Kitchen, another successful agriculturist of Phelps County, and a resident of Edgar Springs, was born April 11, 1831, in Crawford County, Mo., afterward Phelps County. His parents, George P. and Elizabeth (Adams) Kitchen, were both natives of Kentucky, and the father was by occupation a farmer. He received a thorough education at Louisville College, and immigrated to Missouri about 1828, settling near Newburg, or where that town now stands. Indians still remained in the country, but were friendly; very few white people were in the county, and game of nearly every description abounded in plenty. In connection with farming, Mr. Kitchen also taught school during the winter months. He died in this county in 1844. He was the father of eight children, five now living: Elias D., William A., Conrad, Margaret J. and Mary A. Those deceased were named Andrew J., Sarah E. and George N. The paternal grandfather, Anthony Kitchen, was probably a native of Virginia, and immigrated to Kentucky at an early day. In 1828 he came to Phelps County, Mo., where he died in 1868. He was a colonel in the War of 1812, and while in Kentucky was a member of the State Militia. He was a tailor by trade. His wife, Margaret Kitchen, also died in this county. Grandfather Adams was born in Kentucky, and was of German descent. William A. Kitchen was reared principally in Phelps County, receiving his education in the district schools, and during his boyhood days remembers seeing the Indians. He remained at home until twenty years of age, and then hired out for about five years. He then purchased the land where he now lives, which consists of 330 acres, only about seven being under cultivation when bought by Mr. Kitchen, but now having 115 acres cultivated. November 30, 1854, Mr. Kitchen married Miss Rebecca Newport, a native of Illinois, and the daughter of Richard and Sarah (Matthews) Newport. To Mr. and Mrs. Kitchen were born eight children, five of whom are now living: Sarah E., George D., William J., James E. and Margaret E. The ones deceased were named as follows: Cynthia A., Charles L. and Richard M. Mrs. Kitchen died in January, 1883, and February 13, 1887, Mr. Kitchen married Mrs. Margaret L. (Turner) LeSueur, who has borne him one child, Edna C. During the war Mr. Kitchen was in the State Militia for six months, Company D, being confined to this State. He was discharged at Springfield. Since in early life he has been engaged in farming, giving this his entire attention. He is a Democrat in his political principles.
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This family biography is one of 71 biographies included in The History of Phelps County, Missouri published in 1889. For the complete description, click here: Phelps County, Missouri History, Genealogy, and Maps
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