My Genealogy Hound
Below is a family biography included in The History of Phelps County, Missouri published by Goodspeed Publishing Company in 1889. These biographies are valuable for genealogy research in discovering missing ancestors or filling in the details of a family tree. Family biographies often include far more information than can be found in a census record or obituary. Details will vary with each biography but will often include the date and place of birth, parent names including mothers' maiden name, name of wife including maiden name, her parents' names, name of children (including spouses if married), former places of residence, occupation details, military service, church and social organization affiliations, and more. There are often ancestry details included that cannot be found in any other type of genealogical record.
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Perry D. Hawkins, junior member of the firm of Marshall & Co., at Newburg, Mo., was born in Phelps County, Mo., January 11, 1854, being the son of Robert P. and Rhoda (Bryant) Hawkins. Robert P. Hawkins, who was born in Georgia, was the third son of Solomon Hawkins and Sophronia Isabel (Duncan) Hawkins. Solomon Hawkins was born October 23, 1798, in Greenville District, South Carolina; was reared upon a farm, securing a limited education, and married, December 18, 1821, Sophronia Isabel Duncan. In 1826 he removed from South Carolina to the State of Georgia, remaining there four years, and then came to Missouri in the winter of 1831, and opened a farm on the Gasconade River, near the mouth of Little Piney. In the year 1836 he moved to and opened a farm on Cave Spring Creek, where he lived the remainder of his days. He was noted for sobriety and industry, and filled several offices in the county in which he lived with honor to himself and credit to the county. He lived in four counties without moving from the old homestead—Crawford, Maries, Pulaski and Phelps. He died January 30, 1867. His wife, Sophronia J. Hawkins, is still living with her daughter, Eliza L. Woody, of Miller County, Mo., and is quite smart for her age, which is eighty-five years. They reared a family of five girls and seven boys: William J., James P., Robert P., Alfred, Perry Eaton (the only son now surviving), Melissa Susanna, Mary M., Eliza Louisa (the two last named the only surviving daughters), John B., Amanda M., Permelia Elizabeth and an infant son. Robert P., the third son, was born in Georgia, coming to Missouri with, his father when a small boy, in the year 1831. He settled near Arlington, and was there engaged in farming, and during the late war was in the State Militia. He was also justice of the peace in his township. He was married March 27, 1850, to Rhoda Bryant. By this marriage there were four children born, three of whom are living: Perry David, John P. and Rhoda J. (who married Daniel Fulbright). Rhoda Bryant, his wife, died January 28, 1858. Robert P. Hawkins’ second marriage was July 15, 1860, to Margaret E. Young. By this marriage he had four sons, only one of them now living, Ivy Wilbert. Mrs. Margaret (Young) Hawkins died in November, 1870. Mr. R. P. Hawkins died December 3, 1871. Perry D. Hawkins was reared principally on the farm near Arlington, attending school at Arlington and Richmond, and the School of Mines at Rolla, Mo. He remained on the homestead until twenty-six years of age, being engaged in farming, and went from there to Arlington, and clerked in the store of A. M. Murphy for one year, after which he bought out the stock and continued at this one and a half years. In May, 1884, he came to Newburg, where he has since been engaged in general merchandising. Mr. Hawkins was married October 4, 1883, to Miss Lizzie Marshall. She is a daughter of Rev. George Marshall, who was born in Ireland in 1831, and came to this country when a boy, receiving his education at Union College, New York, and Princeton Theological Seminary, New Jersey, from which he graduated, and was licensed to preach at Albany, N. Y. He was ordained and installed pastor of the Presbyterian Rock Church, at Fair Hill, Cecil Co., Md., May 13, 1856, and continued in charge of this church until his death, February 27, 1861. His wife, Isabel Campbell, was also a native of Ireland. To their union were born four children; two of them died when young, Willie and Georgina. His wife, Isabel (Campbell) Marshall, died in 1864, and the remaining two children, Lizzie and Carrie, came to Missouri with their uncle and aunt, who took charge of them after their parents’ deaths. Carrie married Charles Wood, and Lizzie, P. D. Hawkins. Mrs. Hawkins was born in Fair Hill, Cecil Co., Md., came to Missouri when quite young, and was reared principally in that State. She attended the public schools in Phelps County, also in Mount Vernon, Ill., and St. Louis, Mo. She is a member of the Presbyterian Church. Mr. Hawkins is a member of the A. O. U. W., of the Masonic fraternity, and is the owner of a farm besides his mercantile business. He is politically a Democrat.
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This family biography is one of 71 biographies included in The History of Phelps County, Missouri published in 1889. For the complete description, click here: Phelps County, Missouri History, Genealogy, and Maps
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