My Genealogy Hound
Below is a family biography included in The History of Phelps County, Missouri published by Goodspeed Publishing Company in 1889. These biographies are valuable for genealogy research in discovering missing ancestors or filling in the details of a family tree. Family biographies often include far more information than can be found in a census record or obituary. Details will vary with each biography but will often include the date and place of birth, parent names including mothers' maiden name, name of wife including maiden name, her parents' names, name of children (including spouses if married), former places of residence, occupation details, military service, church and social organization affiliations, and more. There are often ancestry details included that cannot be found in any other type of genealogical record.
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Levi Mitchell, a prominent farmer of Spring Creek Township, and the son of William and Elizabeth (Stonecypher) Mitchell, was born in Morgan County, Tenn., March 22, 1842. William Mitchell was born in North Carolina, and there married in an early day, subsequently moving to Cape Girardeau County, Mo., where he bought a farm and settled on the Mississippi River. He afterward went back to Tennessee, but finally settled in Dent County, his death occurring in Phelps County, Mo., in 1880, at the age of eighty-four years. His wife was also born in North Carolina, in which State she was married, and by her union with Mr. Mitchell became the mother of twelve children, eight now living: Polly, Jane, Mahala, Andrew, Peter, William, Levi and Julius. The children deceased were named as follows: Sallie, Abigal, James and Jesse. Mrs. Mitchell also passed her last days in this county. Levi Mitchell, subject of this sketch, remained in Tennessee until sixteen years of age, after which he came to Missouri with his parents and settled in Dent County, where he finished his growth. He worked on the farm, receiving limited chances for an education, and at the breaking out of the late war enlisted in Company B, Missouri Volunteer Infantry. His war record is an interesting one. His brother William and himself were in the battle of Wilson’s Creek, where the former was wounded and left. The latter then took part in the engagements at Drywood and Lexington; was taken sick, but rejoined the army at Springfield, meeting with his brother again. He was then discharged, returned home, and in the summer of 1862 the brothers enlisted in Colman’s cavalry, and went to Batesville, there being dismounted. They were left at that place on account of sickness, and were discharged October 12, 1862, after which a journey, slow and painful, was commenced toward Missouri. At Mammoth Spring, the head of Spring River, bushwhackers were found who piloted the weary travelers home. A week after arriving Levi Mitchell was taken as a prisoner to Rolla, Phelps County, tried for his life, was discharged and came home. He was again taken—to Salem, but again discharged, since which time farming has been his occupation. Mr. Mitchell was married November 15, 1866, to Miss Susan E. Rheinerson, who was born and reared on the farm where they now live. Seven children were born to this union, six now living: Margaret E., Martha F., Cynthia A., Augusta I., Josie A. and Alfred L. The one deceased was named Nancy J. Since his marriage Mr. Mitchell has been engaged in farming, and is now the owner of 340 acres, 150 under cultivation. He is a member of the Agricultural Wheel, the Grange, and is a stanch Democrat in his political views.
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This family biography is one of 71 biographies included in The History of Phelps County, Missouri published in 1889. For the complete description, click here: Phelps County, Missouri History, Genealogy, and Maps
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To view a map of Phelps County, Missouri: Phelps County, Missouri Map
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