My Genealogy Hound
Below is a family biography included in The History of Phelps County, Missouri published by Goodspeed Publishing Company in 1889. These biographies are valuable for genealogy research in discovering missing ancestors or filling in the details of a family tree. Family biographies often include far more information than can be found in a census record or obituary. Details will vary with each biography but will often include the date and place of birth, parent names including mothers' maiden name, name of wife including maiden name, her parents' names, name of children (including spouses if married), former places of residence, occupation details, military service, church and social organization affiliations, and more. There are often ancestry details included that cannot be found in any other type of genealogical record.
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Charles N. Martin, farmer and stock raiser of Dawson Township, Phelps Co., Mo., was born in St. Louis County, Mo., in 1838, and when an infant was taken by his parents to what is now Maries County (then Crawford), and was there reared to manhood, receiving such education as the schools of that day afforded. After attaining his majority he began the battle of life for himself, with no capital whatever but his hands and a goodly supply of pluck and energy, and these have been the means of placing him in the independent position he now occupies. He first spent two seasons in St. Louis County, where he was engaged in overseeing, and during the late war he was extensively engaged in dealing in cattle, but also served as lieutenant-captain in the Missouri Militia for some time. While on his way to St. Louis with a drove of cattle he was captured by a scouting band of Shelby’s command, and was with them during the battle of Osage, but soon after succeeded in effecting his escape, and made his way home. On the 7th of January, 1866, he was married to Miss Valeria, a daughter of James and Mary E. Simpson, who were born in Virginia and Missouri, and died in the latter State August 15, 1888, and 1850, respectively. The father was reared in Indiana, and about 1840 located in Crawford County, Mo., and in 1861 took up his residence in Phelps County. After his wife’s death he went to California, where he remained about ten years, and then returned to Missouri and married again. Mrs. Martin is his only living child. She was born in Crawford County, Mo., and by Mr. Martin is the mother of nine children, six of whom are living. They have all received good educations, and his eldest son spent some years in the Indiana Normal School, at Valparaiso. He is now one of Phelps County’s best teachers, and is an excellent penman. He is now studying medicine. Mr. Martin has 480 acres of land, the home farm comprising 280 acres. He has been a Democrat all his life, and his first vote was cast for Douglas in 1860. He is also a member of the A. O. U. W., and his wife is a member of the Baptist Church, and his eldest son and daughter of the Christian Church. His parents, Madison and Anastasia (Perry) Martin, were born in St. Louis County, Mo., in 1812, and were there reared and married. In 1838, about three years after their marriage, they settled in what is now Maries County, on Spanish Prairie, where they still live. The grandfather, David Martin, was born in North Carolina, and while yet a boy came with his father, Adam Martin, to St. Louis, and settled near Bridgetown, when the city was a small French hamlet. There David lived until 1838, and then came to Maries County, where he died in 1867. He was a soldier in the War of 1812. Adam Martin was the first man to bring a four-wheeled wagon to St. Louis, and was one of the pioneers of that county. He was of English descent, and many of his descendants still live in St. Louis County. Jackson Perry, grandfather of the gentleman whose name heads this sketch, was a French Canadian, and came to St. Louis when young, where he spent the remainder of his life, dying in 1859 at an advanced age. He reared a large family of children, who located in different portions of the West, but many of his descendants still reside in St. Louis County.
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This family biography is one of 71 biographies included in The History of Phelps County, Missouri published in 1889. For the complete description, click here: Phelps County, Missouri History, Genealogy, and Maps
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To view a map of Phelps County, Missouri: Phelps County, Missouri Map
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