My Genealogy Hound
Below is a family biography included in History of Allen and Woodson Counties, Kansas by L. Wallace Duncan and Chas. F. Scott, published by Iola Register, 1901. These biographies are valuable for genealogy research in discovering missing ancestors or filling in the details of a family tree. Family biographies often include far more information than can be found in a census record or obituary. Details will vary with each biography but will often include the date and place of birth, parent names including mothers' maiden name, name of wife including maiden name, her parents' names, name of children (including spouses if married), former places of residence, occupation details, military service, church and social organization affiliations, and more. There are often ancestry details included that cannot be found in any other type of genealogical record.
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CHARLES F. DIVER. The life of Charles F. Diver has not been one of unvarying monotony, circumscribed by the narrow confines of a certain locality, where habits of thought, action and life scarcely change with the passing years. He has traveled over much of the globe, has visited many foreign ports and is largely acquainted with the beauties of his native land. He is a man of broad mind, having that knowledge and culture which only travel can bring, and in southeastern Kansas he ranks among the representative citizens.
Mr. Diver was born in Philadelphia. Pennsylvania, December 16, 1849 and is the son of the Rev. Charles F. Diver, also a native of Philadelphia. The paternal grandparents of our subject both died when about eighty years of age, the maternal grandparents at the age of ninety-nine, so that he comes from long-lived ancestry. After arriving at years of maturity the Rev. Charles F. Diver wedded Miss Mary Hestem, of Chester Valley, Pennsylvania. She belonged to a wealthy family, her father being interested in one of the extensive banking institutions of Philadelphia, in connection with being the proprietor of a large flouring mill. For many years Rev. Diver engaged in preaching in Philadelphia, and his labors in behalf of Christianity were very effective. He died October 14, 1884, at the age of seventy-four years, and his wife passed away many years previous. They were the parents of five children: Joseph, who was a soldier in the Civil war and died after his return from the army; Walter, Euphemia and Mary, who reside in Philadelphia, and Charles F.
The last named is the fourth child of the family. He remained at home until fourteen years of age and then enlisted in the American navy, serving for five years. He was first on the Sabian gunboat and was then transferred to the Hartford under Admiral Bell. He participated in the battle of Port Fisher, where his lieutenant was killed, Mr. Diver standing by his side at the time he was shot. He has visited most of the ports of the world, has sailed in the China sea and visited Manila long before Admiral Dewey entered that bay. He learned much of the various countries on the globe, of their peoples and customs, his experience proving a good school.
After his retirement from the navy, Mr. Diver returned to Philadelphia, there he was engaged in merchandising for about four years, when he went to Illinois, carrying on general merchandising in a small town called Fox Station. There he also remained for four years. In 1878 he came to Kansas and turned his attention to farming, renting land for four years, after which he purchased three hundred and thirty acres upon which he now resides. This is fine bottom land and he has developed and improved one of the finest fruit farms in Woodson County. On the place he has a commodious and attractive residence surrounded by a beautiful lawn of blue grass and shaded with stately trees. In connection with general and fruit farming, he also engages in the raising of stock to some extent.
While in Illinois, Mr. Diver was united in marriage to Miss Anna Cook, of Chicago, daughter of Dr. J. A. and Mary (Harris) Cook. The wedding was celebrated November 22, 1878. After residing upon their Kansas farm for some years, Mr. Diver removed with his family to Fort Scott in order to educate his children and later returned to Philadelphia in order that they might enjoy educational facilities in that city, where about a year was passed. On account of failing health, he was advised by his physician to go to Colorado, where he was engaged in manufacturing during his four years stay in that state, meeting with excellent success in his undertakings. The climate there, however, did not agree with him, and he once more took up his abode upon his Kansas farm, where he is still living in very comfortable circumstances, his pleasant and attractive home being supplied with all modern conveniences and accessories.
Unto Mr. and Mrs. Diver have been born eight children, namely: Walter, who is connected with Roland’s book store, of Lawrence, Kansas; Dwight, Effel, Charles, Lawrence, Warren, Dorothy and Anna, all yet at home. The family is widely and favorably known in Woodson County, and the circle of their friends is extensive. In his political views Mr. Diver is a Republican, but aside from voting for the candidates of the party he takes no active interest in politics as a worker in campaigns or as an aspirant for office. In his business he has ever carried forward to successful completion whatever he has undertaken, and his life stands as an exemplification of the potency of industry, persistency and honesty in the active affairs of life.
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This family biography is one of 204 biographies included in History of Allen and Woodson Counties, Kansas by L. Wallace Duncan and Chas. F. Scott, published by Iola Register, 1901, Iola, Kansas. For the complete description, click here: Woodson County, Kansas History and Genealogy
View additional Woodson County, Kansas family biographies here: Woodson County, Kansas
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