My Genealogy Hound

Browse the Gillespie Family Surname Genealogy

This section makes it possible to view all the biographies currently available for the Gillespie family surname.

Please keep in mind that this is a list of only the primary biography surnames. Other family surnames mentioned within a biography are not included in these lists of surnames. To search for the other family surnames, use the search website feature. Also note that new biographies added to the website may not be listed in these lists for several days after the biographies go onto the website. This is a rapidly expanding section, so check back often.

To browse the currently available biographies for the Gillespie family surname, click on the desired biography in the list below:

Daniel H. Gillespie (Greene County, Illinois)
G. B. Gillespie (Tipton County, Tennessee)
George M. Gillespie (Sumner County, Tennessee)
J. E. Gillespie (Lauderdale County, Tennessee)
J. S. Gillespie (Cherokee County, Kansas)
James Gillespie (Scotland County, Missouri)
James H. Gillespie (Haywood County, Tennessee)
John Gillespie (Allegheny County, Pennsylvania)
John H. Gillespie (Franklin County, Tennessee)
John S. Gillespie (Cherokee County, Kansas)
Mark Gillespie (Warren County, Iowa)
R. G. Gillespie (Sumner County, Tennessee)
William M. Gillespie (Miami County, Ohio)

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