My Genealogy Hound
Below is a family biography included in Biographical and Historical Memoirs of Prairie County, Arkansas published by Goodspeed Publishing Company in 1890. These biographies are valuable for genealogy research in discovering missing ancestors or filling in the details of a family tree. Family biographies often include far more information than can be found in a census record or obituary. Details will vary with each biography but will often include the date and place of birth, parent names including mothers' maiden name, name of wife including maiden name, her parents' names, name of children (including spouses if married), former places of residence, occupation details, military service, church and social organization affiliations, and more. There are often ancestry details included that cannot be found in any other type of genealogical record.
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W. H. Richards (deceased). Of that sturdy and independent class, the farmers of Arkansas, none were possessed of more genuine merit and a stronger character than he whose name stands at the head of this sketch. His birth occurred in Person County, N. C, February 16, 1841, and in 1871 he was married to Mrs. Harriet (Hunter) Tipton, the widow of J. A. Tipton. Moving with her shortly after to Prairie County, Ark., he purchased in Center Township 100 acres of land which he commenced immediately to improve, and soon had seventy acres under cultivation. He took an active interest in all affairs pertaining to the welfare of the county and in his political views was a Democrat. He was also a patron of education and his death, which occurred in Prairie County, January 25, 1888, was deeply lamented by all. Mrs. Richards was born in the State of Mississippi in 1835, and was there married in 1852 to William B. Higginbottom, born September 15, 1829, in Tuscaloosa County, Ala., by whom she became the mother of four children: John B. (a farmer), E. E., S. L. and Mary A. (deceased). Mr. Higginbottom removed to Clark County, Ark., in 1860, and there died in 1863, his widow afterward being united in marriage to J. A. Tipton, by whom she became the mother of one son: John. She was again left a widow in 1871 and the following year married Mr. Richards, as above stated. She was born in Mississippi in 1835, and was one of a family of twelve children born to George W. and Harriet (Bonds) Hunter, natives of North Carolina, who were married in Mississippi and spent their days in the last-named State. Mr. and Mrs. Richards became the parents of three children: Jennie E., Robert L. and Florence Idella.
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This family biography is one of 94 biographies included in Biographical and Historical Memoirs of Prairie County, Arkansas published in 1890. For the complete description, click here: Prairie County, Arkansas History, Genealogy, and Maps
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