My Genealogy Hound
Below is a family biography included in Biographical and Historical Memoirs of Prairie County, Arkansas published by Goodspeed Publishing Company in 1890. These biographies are valuable for genealogy research in discovering missing ancestors or filling in the details of a family tree. Family biographies often include far more information than can be found in a census record or obituary. Details will vary with each biography but will often include the date and place of birth, parent names including mothers' maiden name, name of wife including maiden name, her parents' names, name of children (including spouses if married), former places of residence, occupation details, military service, church and social organization affiliations, and more. There are often ancestry details included that cannot be found in any other type of genealogical record.
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Dr. Stephen R. Mason, county treasurer, De Vall’s Bluff, Ark. There are few men of the present day, whom the world acknowledges as successful, more worthy of honorable mention, or whose life history affords a better example of what may be accomplished by a determined will and perseverance, than Dr. Mason. He was born in the town of Chichester, near Pittsfield, Merrimack County, N. H., in 1827, and was the fourth in a family of five children born to the union of John and Abigail Amanda (Roby) Mason, natives, also, of New Hampshire. The parents were married in that State and there the father was an operative in a cotton-factory until 1835, when he moved to the Far West and located in what is now Woodford County, Ill., near where Metamora is now located, and there bought land of the United States and improved a farm. In 1840 he moved to Bureau County, Ill., and there his death occurred in 1861. His excellent wife survived him until 1867. Dr. Stephen R. Mason remained on the home farm, where the town of Buda is now located, until sixteen years of age, and received his education in the academy at Princeton, Ill. After this he engaged in teaching school, and in the meantime read medicine with Dr. J. S. Whitmire, at Metamora, in 1847. He then alternately attended school and taught until the fall of 1849, when he entered Rush Medical College, Chicago, Ill., and graduated therefrom in the class of 1851. He then began practicing in Bureau County, near Buda, and remained there until 1853, when he located at Sheffield, Ill. Dr. Mason was married in 1852 to Miss Mary A. Brainard, a native of La Fayette, Ohio, and the daughter of Deodatus E. and Sally J. (Fry) Brainard, natives of New York. Mr. and Mrs. Brainard emigrated to Ohio and settled in Medina County at an early date. From there they moved to Bureau County, Ill., in 1841, and here the father was occupied in cultivating the soil. Both parents are now living, and reside in Buda, Ill. To the Doctor and Mrs. Mason were born five children, four now living: Ella Jane (now Mrs. W. B. Allen, of Chicago, Ill.), Ida May (now Mrs. J. W. Waterman, of Creston, Iowa), Roby E. (was an engineer on the Little Rock & Memphis Railroad a number of years, and recently on the Batesville & Brinkley Railroad, where he was killed by the engine being derailed, near Gray Station, on July 28, 1888; his widow now resides in Brinkley, Ark.), Wilbur J. (is married, resides at De Vall’s Bluff, and is assistant postmaster at that place) and Harry W. (who is married and resides at Cotton Plant, Ark., being railroad agent and operator on the Batesville & Brinkley Railroad). The mother of these children died in March, 1889, and the remains of both mother and son were carried to Buda, Ill. After his marriage Dr. Mason resided in Sheffield until coming to De Vall’s Bluff, in 1873, since which time he has practiced his profession. He was first appointed postmaster at De Vall’s Bluff in 1881 (February 4), and served in that capacity until the spring of 1886. He was reappointed in August, 1889. He was elected county treasurer of Prairie County in 1886, was reelected in 1888, and is the present incumbent. He has been magistrate a number of times, and has held various town and school offices; he is also a Member of the American Institute of Homoeopathy, joining the same in 1867, and a member of the Southern Homoeopathic Association. He is a member of Ames Lodge No. 142, A. F. & A. M., at Sheffield, Ill., was made a Mason in 1852 or 1853, and has also been a member of the I. O. O. F. He was a charter member of De Vall’s Bluff Lodge No. 2172, Knights of Honor. In 1882 he joined the Iron Hall Association, and has drawn one final benefit of $1,000, and considers it a good thing. The Doctor is independent in his religious views, and is willing others should enjoy the same privilege.
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This family biography is one of 94 biographies included in Biographical and Historical Memoirs of Prairie County, Arkansas published in 1890. For the complete description, click here: Prairie County, Arkansas History, Genealogy, and Maps
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